drinallogo.jpg (15587 bytes)


September 28, 2001

Dear Brad,

I have seen that most of the servers have some degree of significance in the choice of their names. I'm a Drinal player and am wondering if the name/word "Drinal" has any significance to it.

-Daylek Kylan 30th Season Ranger of Tunare- Drinal

At this point, all that is known is that Drinal is the name of one of the moons that orbits Norrath (Luclin, obviously, being the other one). Whether there is a god or demi-god associated with the name and/or the moon (as there is with Luclin) is unknown… some legends, however, claim that Drinal wasn't always cold and lifeless, so perhaps its demi-god is dead or forgotten…


August 21, 2001

Added Nanapoot and Tacisio's picture to the picture pages.

In other news, It was revealed yesterday that Euth's death was a hoax.   I'd personally like to say that whoever made that hoax has a lot of groing up to do.


August 10th, 2001

The pictures link now links to the pictures pages for Drinal.  There are quite a few pictures from people on Tunare, since that is where it started. 

If you would like your picture added, just go to the pictures link, and follow the link to send in pictures.  We'll get to them a.s.a.p.


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